Christoph's 2 Cents

A Backup for My Brain!

Oracle Developement

Quick & Dirty: APEX 5 – Change size of Modal Dialog page

To change the size (height/width) of a modal dialog page in APEX 5, edit the modal page’s page attributes, and edit the attributes of the Dialog section:


4 thoughts on “Quick & Dirty: APEX 5 – Change size of Modal Dialog page

  • Very quick. Thanks! But what is the difference between Width and Maximum Width? My modal dialogue set to width=100, maximumWidth=500 still displays as 100 pixels and is neither expandable nor auto-expanded by the size of the displayed data.

  • One more problem is height cannot be set as Percentage

  • You would set the size based on the content of your modal page. For example, if the items in your modal page need at least 600px to show up, set the size to a little over 600px in order to give it a bit of bottom margin.

  • thanks for your help..

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