APEX 5: Packaged Application Icons
To use some of the packaged application icons for your own applications, include the packaged apps css file in your application, and reference the appropriate css class for the icon you want.
Navigate to Edit Application Definition -> User Interface, and edit the interface for your application.
Under Cascading Style Sheets add the this CSS file: #IMAGE_PREFIX#pkgapp_ui/css/5.0#MIN#.css
In your application create a div with a height and width, and include one of the icon classes to display the icon.
<div style="height: 100px; width: 100px;" class="app-application-standards-tracker"></div>
Here are the available packaged application icons:
You mention “In your application create a div with a height and width…”. As a newbie, I have no idea where “In your application” this would be… Sorry.
Ed, a div is an HTML tag which defines a container (see http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_div.asp). In order to display the icons, you first need a container to hold the icon.
To create a div, you can simply create an HTML region on your page (or a Static region in APEX 5), and specify your div in there:
Thanks Christoph. I understand the “div” – I just didn’t know exactly where it had to go. Does it matter what page I use to add the “Static Region”?