SQLcl JavaScript: Using Bind Variable in Queries
Here are some quick examples of using bind variables in SQL queries in JavaScript inside SQLcl.
Usage: Copy the examples into a file with a .js extension: example.js
Execute the script in SQLcl using:
SQL> script example.js
//Create and empty object
var binds = {}
//Create multiple bind values
binds.job = 'CLERK';
binds.sal = 1000;
//Return the results into ret variable
var ret = util.executeReturnList("select empno,ename,job, sal from emp where job =upper(:job) and sal < :sal",binds);
//Loop over results and print details
for (idx=0;idx<ret.length;idx++){
print( "$" + ret[idx].SAL + "\t" + ret[idx].ENAME+ "\t" + ret[idx].JOB);
Example for processing a comma separated list and setting the binds for each value
SQL> script example.js
var binds = {}
var str = 'king,blake,clark'
for (ndx=0;ndx<str.length;ndx++){
binds.name = str[ndx];
print('\nFetching ',binds.name);
var ret = util.executeReturnList("select empno,ename,job from emp where ename =upper(:name)",binds);
for (idx=0;idx<ret.length;idx++) {
print( ret[idx].EMPNO + "\t" + ret[idx].ENAME+ "\t" + ret[idx].JOB);
This example uses command line arguments as inputs for the binds.
SQL> script example.js miller king smith
var binds = {}
//loop starts at index 1
for (ndx=1;ndx<args.length;ndx++) {
binds.name = args[ndx];
print('\nFetching ',binds.name);
var ret = util.executeReturnList(
"select empno,ename,job " +
" from emp" +
" where ename =upper(:name)"
ret.forEach(function (row) {
print( row.EMPNO + "\t" + row.ENAME+ "\t" + row.JOB);