ORDS REST: Getting Bind Variables Right
It seems every time I create a REST GET module I have to re-learn how to handle bind variables. So I decided to create a little cheat sheet.
When creating a REST module with a GET handler, you can pass variables wither through the URI or through header variables:
URI Variables:
The URI template needs to have the bind variables in curly brackets (comma separated if multiple binds):
Create a query:
select * from emp where empno = :id and ename = :ename
Create a parameter for each bind variable:
I don’t think whether if the Source Type matters. HTTP Header has worked for me. I typically set the parameter name and bind variable name to upper case to avoid any problems.
Click theĀ Set Bind Variables button to test the handler. Make sure to add a value to all parameters. If you leave a parameter empty, you’ll get an error.
Header Variables:
Create the URI without a trailing forward slash:
Create the query and parameters as before.
You’ll have to test this with a REST client like POSTman or CURL:
$ curl -H "id:7788" -H "ename:SCOTT" http://myserver:8080/ords/cmr/hr/testheader
Note when using header variables, you can leave some out without getting an error.
Happy RESTing!