Christoph's 2 Cents

A Backup for My Brain!

Oracle Developement

Geocoding with PL/JSON

The Google Maps API geocoding web service makes it easy to geocode addresses. You can pass an address to the web service and receive either an XML or a JSON response back.

In this post I’ll show how to use the PL/JSON package to parse the JSON response from Google, in order to get to the various address elements and the coordinates associated with a given address.

PL/JSON is a library consisting of a PL/SQL package and some PL/SQL objects and types. It is designed to create and parse JSON. The documentation is a bit lacking, especially when it comes to handling a more complicated JSON object like the Google geocode response. Hopefully, this article will help to clarify its usage.

To get started, first download and install PL/JSON into a schema in your Oracle database. I used version 1.0.3. The installation is simply done by extracting the downloaded zip file, and running the install.sql script. Once installed, make sure all objects are valid. You can run a quick test of the package by running the json_test.sql included in the testsuite directory of the PL/JSON installation.

The Google Geocoding Web Service

Version 3 of the Google Maps API, no longer requires a key. So you can make a simple call to the service like this:

The result of the URL is a JSON object containing the address and geocode data.

To make sense of the JSON object you need to understand that curly brackets {} contain objects, and square brackets [] contain arrays. Strings are enclosed with double quotes, numbers are not. Data is represented in name/value pairs separated by colons.

The Google response consists of two objects: results and status. A successful response will have a status of “OK”.

The results object is an array of four other objects:

  1. address_components – an array of elements such as street number, city, state, etc.
  2. formatted_address – a single string containing the full address
  3. geometry – an array of coordinate data elements
  4. types – an array of strings, which in this case is always “street_address”.

Calling the Web Service

Calling the Google web service from within PL/SQL, I use the ult_http package.  Since the JSON response can be quite large, I use the utl_http.request_pieces function to fetch the result. This works around the 2000 byte limit of the utl_http.request function .  I simply loop through all the pieces returned, and concatenate them to a CLOB variable inside the procedure.

Note that I make the http request inside a WHILE loop (line 50). This is helpful when you attempt to geocode a number of addresses in rapid succession (e.g. by looping through a table with addresses that need to be geocoded). Google will return an error (OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) when it receives too many requests per second. So the loop waits two seconds before the next attempt. I try a total of three attempts. If I still don’t get an OK status back, I give up. Note that Google limits the free geocoding to 2,500 requests per IP per day. If that limit is reached, you also receive an OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error.

In order to get to the status of the response, I use the json() function to convert the JSON string to a JSON object (lines 64 and 67).

Parsing the JSON response

Now that we have our geocoded address stored in a JSON object, I can now use PL/JSON to extract the various elements we need.

Since the results object consist of an array, I pass this array to a JSON_LIST object (l_results) (line 96). This array, however, consists only of a single element, so I pass this to a variable of type JSON, named l_tempobj (line 99).

The variable l_tempobj now contains the JSON of the four elements listed above (address_components, formatted_address, geometry, and status).

Since the address_components is yet another array, I pass it to another JSON_LIST object named l_addr_comps (line 102). Now I can loop through the address components and test the types array element to find out what type of address component I’m dealing with. I use the CASE statement (line 117) to test the types and to assign the address elements to their individual PL/SQL variables.

Once the loop is done, I have all my address components I looked for, but I still want to get to the coordinates. Those are stored in the third array element (geometry) of l_tempobj.  I pass the location element to the l_loc variable (line 140) of type JSON., then extract the lat/lng strings from it, and pass them to PL/SQL varchar2 variables (lines 146 and 147).

At this point the procedure is done, and I print the results.


The JSON and JSON_LIST data types are created on installation of PL/JSON. When parsing through a JSON object, you need to be keenly aware of what you are processing: Whether it is a nested JSON object or a string or number. Notice that I had to use the get_number function to extract lat/lng, while using get_string to get the status.

Use json_list() to pass the value of an element that consists of an array:

"address_components" :  [{ "name 1" : value} ,{"name 2" : "value"},{"name 3" : "value"}]

Use json_ext.get_string (or get_number) to get the value of a non-array element:

"status" : "OK"

Other errors from the Google API:

ZERO_RESULTS – no address data was fund

REQUEST_DENIED – most likely the sensor parameter was not specified correctly. Check the error_message text included in the response.

I’ve also included a few commented out <obj>.print statements for you to see the contents of various objects.

Let me know how you fare with this. Comments are always appreciated.

[sourcecode language=”sql”]
l_obj json;
l_results json_list;
l_tempobj json;
l_addr_comps json_list;
l_addr json;
l_typesarr json_list;
l_geom_obj json;
l_loc json;

l_status VARCHAR2(255);
l_types VARCHAR2(30);
l_short_name VARCHAR2(200);
l_street_number VARCHAR2(200);
l_street VARCHAR2(200);
l_city VARCHAR2(200);
l_state VARCHAR2(30);
l_zip VARCHAR2(10);
l_county VARCHAR2(30);
l_country VARCHAR2(10);
l_tries PLS_INTEGER := 0;
l_address VARCHAR2(4000);
l_request VARCHAR2(4000);
l_pieces utl_http.html_pieces;
l_json CLOB;
l_lat VARCHAR2(40);
l_lng VARCHAR2(40);

e_query_limit EXCEPTION;
e_zero_results EXCEPTION;


dbms_application_info.set_module(module_name => l_prc, action_name => ‘START’);

— replace empty spaces with +
l_address := REPLACE(TRIM(p_address), ‘ ‘, ‘+’);


l_request := ‘’ ||
l_address || chr(38) || ‘sensor=false’;

l_tries := 0;
l_status := NULL;
l_json := NULL;

— Try three gets in case of OVER_QUERY_LIMIT errors
WHILE nvl(l_status, ‘*’) != ‘OK’ AND l_tries < 3
dbms_application_info.set_client_info(client_info => ‘HTTP REQUEST try ‘ ||

— JSON object may be long, so split it into pieces
l_pieces := utl_http.request_pieces(l_request);

FOR i IN 1 .. l_pieces.count
l_json := l_json || l_pieces(i);

— Create json object from google response
l_obj := json(l_json);

— Check the response status. If it is OK then proceede with parsing.
l_status := json_ext.get_string(l_obj, ‘status’);

IF l_status != ‘OK’
dbms_output.put_line(l_prc || ‘ status [‘ || l_status || ‘]’);
IF l_status = ‘OVER_QUERY_LIMIT’ AND l_tries >= 3
dbms_output.put_line(l_prc || ‘: query limit reached. Exiting’);
RAISE e_query_limit;
RAISE e_zero_results;
l_tries := l_tries + 1;


l_json := NULL;



dbms_application_info.set_client_info(client_info => ‘PARSE JSON’);

— The overall JSON is an array named results
l_results := json_list(l_obj.get(‘results’));

— There is only a single element in the results array, so get the first (and last) one
l_tempobj := json(l_results.get(1));

— The next level contains an array named address_components
l_addr_comps := json_list(l_tempobj.get(1));

— loop through the address components and test the types array for address elements
FOR i IN 1 .. l_addr_comps.count
l_addr := json(l_addr_comps.get(i));

l_typesarr := json_list(l_addr.get(‘types’));

— Types is not a json array, but a string array so we have to get
— the first element using the types[1] syntax
l_types := json_ext.get_string(l_addr, ‘types[1]’);
l_short_name := json_ext.get_string(l_addr, ‘short_name’);

CASE l_types
WHEN ‘street_number’ THEN
l_street_number := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘route’ THEN
l_street := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘locality’ THEN
l_city := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘administrative_area_level_1’ THEN
l_state := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘administrative_area_level_2’ THEN
l_county := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘postal_code’ THEN
l_zip := l_short_name;
WHEN ‘country’ THEN
l_country := l_short_name;


— now get lat/lng
l_geom_obj := json(l_tempobj.get(3));

l_loc := json_ext.get_json(l_geom_obj, ‘location’);

l_lat := to_char(json_ext.get_number(l_loc, ‘lat’));
l_lng := to_char(json_ext.get_number(l_loc, ‘lng’));

dbms_output.put_line(‘Address: ‘ || l_street_number || ‘ ‘ ||
l_street || ‘ ‘ || l_city || ‘ ‘ || l_state || ‘ ‘ ||
l_zip || ‘ ‘ || l_county || ‘ ‘ || l_country);
dbms_output.put_line(‘lat/lng: ‘ || l_lat || ‘ ‘ || l_lng);

WHEN e_query_limit THEN
raise_application_error(-20001, ‘GOOGLE QUERY LIMIT REACHED’);
dbms_output.put_line(l_prc || ‘: ‘ || SQLERRM);
WHEN e_zero_results THEN
dbms_output.put_line(l_prc || ‘: Zero Results. Getting next address’);


dbms_application_info.set_client_info(client_info => ‘DONE’);

END geocode_address;

7 thoughts on “Geocoding with PL/JSON

  • Hi, Dude:

    Very helpful, thank you! I wonder if you could provide some examples to get digital signature for Google map service v3 with PL/SQL. As you know, Google map service for business account requires generating digital signature with HMAC-SHA1 algorithm. I could not find any example about it. Here are some links:!topic/google-checkout-api-other/iGd7SvCR5S4



  • Sam,
    thanks for the comment. If I understand correctly, you are asking how to provide the digital signature in a pl/sql http request. Unfortunately I haven’t done this yet and I’m not well versed in cryptology. If this should ever come up, I’ll make sure to add it to the post.


  • Hi, Christoph.

    Thank you for posting such an interesting article. I, too, have used the PL/JSON set of packages for a project at my work place (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in CA). Like you, I used Oracle’s UTL_HTTP package to retrieve a JSON response from a web service maintained by another lab and then had to learn by trial-and-error how to parse through it using PL/JSON. I then stored the various data grams into Oracle tables an dthen used Apex to make several reports and charts from this data. Cool stuff.

    Question: I know Apex includes several built-in procedures for managing JSON objects. I’ve not used them yet, relying instead on the PL/JSON utilities. Have you any idea if the Apex procedures are as extensive as PL/JSON? Have you used these?

    Thank you, again, for a fine article. It was well written and informative. Please keep them coming.

    And, as I think about, I, too, have an idea for an Apex/Oracle article that may be of interest to others. Hmm. Perhaps I, too, can try my hand at blogging. Just a thought.


  • Elie,
    thank you for your response. I did look briefly at the apex_util api, but found it very limited. It seems to be OK for generating JSON, but not for parsing it.

    Let me know when you’ve written your article.


  • Could this work as a function with the output as formatted varchar2 string?

  • Absolutely, just change it into a function and return a string with the concatenated address items.

  • Laurent

    Hi to all,
    My compliments, this is a good work, a very initeresting post, and indeed somewhat “criptic”. But I miss the SRID (Coordinate Reference System), is it WGS84 or another one??
    Thanks by advance if someone can find how to get this information.

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